Confident Spatial Analysis in QGIS – November 2021

This intermediate two part course we will develop your skills of using spatial data, including collating data from a variety of sources including XY coordinate data and address or postcode based data. We will also cover using spatial overlays, point-in-polygon analysis and spatial joins.

This course can follow-on from the ‘Introduction to QGIS: Understanding and Presenting Spatial Datacourse, or you can attended independently if you have some previous knowledge of QGIS and spatial data.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Be able to locate and open a range of GIS data sets
  • Understand how to import, join and make use of postcode and XY coordinate based data
  • Know how to apply GIS analysis tools, including spatial overlays, point in polygon and spatial joins
  • Know other GIS analysis tools and how they work
  • Be confident at applying the skills to your own data

The course will run in two parts:

  • Tue 23rd November 2021, 10am – 1pm (UK time)
  • Wed 24th November 2021, 10am – 1pm (UK time)

The costs are:

  • Standard registration – £170
  • Students – £90

The cost includes 2 x 3 hour sessions with small group tuition, and a one hour individual session with me up to 1 month after the course to talk through your project or other GIS work in more detail. Videos of the sessions will also be available to participants for up to 3 months after the course.

Note: you have to have signed up for a place and paid to take part.

To register, please fill in the registration form.

If you have any questions, please email me for more details:

Schedule and More Details

Day 1: Tue 23rd November
9:45am – 10:00am
Time to get setup, make sure audio and video is working
10:00am – 10:15am – RecapRecap key GIS knowledge
10:15am – 10:45am – Practical 1: Recap of QGIS and Choropleth MapsPractical session where you follow a workbook practical with one-to-one help from me
10:45am – 11:05am – Finding your own data How to find your own data
11:05am – 12:00pm – Practical 2: Joining Population DataPractical session where you follow a workbook practical with one-to-one help from me
11:30am – 11:45am – Break
12:00pm – 1:00pm – Greenspace Access PointsIntroduction of data and practical
Day 2: Wed 24th November
10:00am – 10:05am – Recap
10:05am – 10:20am – Spatial OverlaysDifferent types of spatial overlays
10:20am – 11:45am – Practical 4: Spatial OverlaysPractical session where you follow a workbook practical with one-to-one help from me
11:45am – 1:00pm – Working with your own dataTime to work with your own data with me

We will be using Zoom for the sessions, and to take part, you will need to install QGIS on your computer. More details on both of these will be sent out in advance of the course.

Before, during and for at least three months after the course you will have access to a private discussion group where you can ask questions, network with others on the course and get one-to-one support from me.

During the practical sessions, there will be a workbook for you to go through (with me available to help). It will be helpful for you to have a second monitor available so you can have your QGIS window on one screen and the workbook open on the other. If you do not have a second monitor, you can print the workbook, or I can post you a printed copy (an additional charge may be made for posting outside the UK). Please contact me for details.

The day will be structured with a mixture of presentations (from me) and time to work on practical exercises. The group is limited to 12 participants, so I will have time to help each of you individually with your work.

If you have any questions about the plan or how things will work, please email me.